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Personality Assessments

The Right Assessments Bring Joy to the Workplace

This isn’t about pigeon-holing a person or assigning a label.

The right assessments identify each person’s innate drive and motivation and aligning them in a role where they can be successful.

Seda Consulting combines valid and reliable assessments, rooted in science, with decades of coaching and development experience to:

  • Take the guesswork out of aligning the right people in the right roles
  • Improve engagement and retention
  • Provide personalized guidance on how to adapt and communicate with others and improve emotional intelligence

If you’re interested, or at least curious about learning more, we’d love to connect.

The Tools

The MPO Personality Assessment

Can they do the job, or do they have the DRIVE to do the job?

That’s the difference between an employee who is or will be disengaged and one who is highly engaged.

In a 15-minute online survey, you can identify if you are hiring the right person for the right seat. Based in science and proven to be valid and reliable, the MPO Assessment provides insight into the person’s:

  • Leadership Style
  • Communication Style
  • Inside or Outside the Box Thinking
  • Motivational Needs
  • Decision-Making Process
  • Level of Adaptability

MPO Communication Workshops

“The difference is subtle and yet significant”, a quote from an MPO Communications Workshop participant who had been through other “Colors” training sessions. The MPO Communication workshop is highly interactive and provides each participant with a personalized playbook on how to adapt and communicate effectively with others.

AACE cards

The EQ-I 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment

While many people talk about Emotional Intelligence – aka “good bedside manner” and “ability to read the room” – the EQi-2.0 program provides clarity on what it is and strategies to improve it.


Emotionally Effective Leader Program

Emotional intelligence is often one of the greatest predictors of leadership success, especially at the executive level. Leaders with high EI are more likely to stay calm under pressure and cope with challenges more effectively.  The EQi-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Leadership program combines a valid and reliable assessment with experienced leadership coaches so participants are more successful in leading themselves and their teams. 

Emotionally effective leader workshop

Become a Certified Analyst

Organizations that implement MPO Personality Assessments experience more respectful communication and stronger teamwork.

On-site certified analysts receive further training on the MPO platform and coaching tailored to the unique needs of their organization. These in-house certified analysts are then able to support their employees and teams to perform at their best.

Existing Certified Analysts can access a number of additional learning and reference resources here

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“Ashley is truly a great teacher! She was very personable and a delight to interact with. She helped make the concepts of reading & interpreting the assessments easier to understand with her patience and kindness.”

Jennifer Landreville

Recruiting Leader, Solidify Manufacturing

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